
Technical Services

American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) offers its Members a variety of technical services to help them improve the quality of service they offer their customers.

eReliability Tracker

Providing superior reliable electric services is a large part of the mission of public power utilities. As such, measuring distribution reliability by recording, tracking and analyzing outage data is an important aspect of operations. The American Public Power Association’s (APPA) eReliability program assists AMP Member utilities in simplifying operations decisions by providing detailed outage summary reports and mobile support for field employees.

AMP has arranged with APPA to provide the web-based eReliability Tracker service to all AMP Members as part of their fees. As an eReliability Tracker subscriber, AMP Members receive an annual national reliability benchmarking report at the end of the year based on the software data. Active participation in the program earns points toward the Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) designation.

Learn more about the use of eReliability by clicking the link below titled “eRT New Users Webinar website” to view the APPA webinar. Simply enter your name (the only required field on the form) and submit to access the recording. Questions can be emailed directly to APPA at [email protected] or contact Jennifer Flockerzie at AMP, [email protected]. To learn more about the eReliability Tracker program, please review the following resources:

eRT New Users Webinar PowerPoint presentation (pdf version)
APPA website
eReliability Tracker video tutorials (YouTube)
eReliability User’s Manual

Circuit Rider

The Circuit Rider program offers AMP Member communities the services of an experienced, qualified field superintendent. AMP consultants offer guidance to municipal employees and expertise on electric system operation and maintenance.

This service can also provide smaller communities with assistance or training on a scheduled or special-project basis on such topics as capital improvements, equipment troubleshooting, safety and system design or mapping.


Through its technical services department, AMP is able to assist Member communities with their electric system design, construction and project management needs. Some of the services offered are:

  • T&D Projects: AMP’s professional engineers design projects from distribution lines (overhead and underground) to substations.
  • Project management: AMP can help communities select a consultant engineer, monitor the progress of a project and act as an independent adviser to protect the interest of the municipal electric system. AMP will also write specifications for the bidding process, oversee bid opening and award and verify that contractors meet required specifications for materials and work performed.
  • System reviews: AMP will coordinate a review of a Member electric distribution system, pointing out projects that will benefit the Member system and increase the quality, reliability and efficiency of service to customers. System modeling and fuse coordination can be done to aid in the review.
  • Infrared testing: With advanced infrared diagnostic equipment, AMP engineers and technicians can quickly and thoroughly do on-site inspections of your electric service components, distribution facilities and equipment. This can identify faulty electrical connections, overloaded equipment and other conditions that can lead to costly service disruptions.
  • Other testing: Using a wide array of equipment, AMP personnel can conduct power system studies for load flow, short circuits and relay coordination. Power monitoring studies can pinpoint voltage and current disturbances, track load trends and detail the harmonics of the system. AMP also has the equipment and personnel to test relays, reclosers, breakers, cables and transformers. Arc Flash analysis can be completed using Easy Power software to meet the needs of the current National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) standards.
  • RP3 assistance: AMP encourages its Members to achieve recognition through the American Public Power Association’s (APPA) Reliable Public Power Provider (RP3) program. RP3 recognizes those that demonstrate proficiency in reliability, safety, workforce development and system improvement. AMP supports the APPA RP3 program in several ways. We can provide review of applications, assistance in tracking outages and calculating the IEEE indices. More in-depth help can be provided in disaster plan assistance, creation of five- and 10-year plans, and review of physical security.
  • Exacter program: Exacter is an outage avoidance system that provides early warning of potential failing distribution line equipment. Using advanced sensor-array technology combined with GPS data mapping, potential problems are located and problem severity is assigned for maintenance prioritization and outage avoidance. AMP provides a discount on the rental of the equipment.

Environmental Compliance

AMP provides assistance to Member communities in managing their environmental concerns. Permitting, monitoring and compliance audits form the core services for this program.

AMP will assist Member communities in meeting their permitting obligations for new projects. Services include air quality dispersion modeling, completion of construction and operating permits for air emission sources, fee emission reports and compliance certifications.

On-site compliance audits are required to meet state and federal Environmental Protection Agency standards, this is another service that can be provided by AMP. In a detailed look at the Member community’s operations, AMP will audit both records and the municipal electric system’s physical plant to ensure they meet EPA requirements.

AMP can also offer Member communities assistance on spill prevention. Services include detailed planning for prevention and containment of oil spills, spill response training of Member personnel and management of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).

AMP provides assistance on power siting studies, including the required air monitoring report, environmental project management, and analysis of proposed environmental laws and regulations.

Lineworker Apprentice Training

The AMP Apprenticeship Training Program is a top-notch program designed to equip Member utility personnel with certified training that blends formal classroom sessions and hands-on personalized instruction. The program is structured into four levels — Basic 1, Basic II, Intermediate, and Advanced —and aligns with the Northwest Lineman’s College Power Delivery Program. Prioritizing safe operations, system reliability and premier customer service, the program is registered with the U.S. Department of Labor, allowing AMP to act as a group sponsor for apprentice lineworkers. Learn more about the AMP Apprentice Training Program here.

Mutual Aid

Be it a tornado, snow or ice storm, flood or fire, participants in this program stand ready to assist participating communities. Member systems that request mutual aid need to make only one phone call to AMP’s 24-hour Energy Control Center, and help will be on the way.

Participation in the program is voluntary and is enacted by passage of an ordinance in participating Member communities.

System Mapping

AMP’s computerized mapping program can help Member municipal electric systems maintain a more accurate inventory of their physical assets, plan system expansions and upgrades, and more easily deal with outages.

AMP field personnel and engineering technicians can provide full mapping services for its Members' electrical distribution systems, including field surveys, marking and complete sets of maps for utility department use. GIS or AutoCAD system maps can be created for use on their own or in conjunction with a facilities database.

Technical Training Programs

AMP’s training program is designed with AMP Members and their employees in mind. Training is a key ingredient in the ability of Member utility personnel to achieve and maintain a high degree of reliability in customer service. AMP training focuses on providing utility personnel the knowledge and tools to improve reliability. Training topics vary from year to year and suggested topics are welcomed. Training topics may include:

  • Advanced Transformer Workshop
  • Lineworker Apprentice Training
  • Hotline Training
  • Regional Trainings
  • Regulator/ Recloser/ Capacitor Safety

For the current training offerings and schedule, click here.