

American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) was founded in 1971 when a group of municipally owned electric systems joined forces to strengthen wholesale market buying power, gain access to transmission and enhance advocacy efforts.

Today, AMP has grown to serve more than 130 Members in the states of Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia; as well as the Delaware Municipal Electric Corporation, a joint action agency with eight Delaware municipal members.

Mission, Vision and Values

To serve Members through public power joint action, innovative solutions, robust advocacy and cost-effective management of power supply and energy services.

To be public power’s trusted leader in providing Members and their customers the highest-quality, forward-looking services and solutions.


  • Integrity - Be honest, fair, reliable, trustworthy and ethical.
  • Member Focus - Provide dedicated and professional support to all Members in the AMP footprint.
  • Partnership - Collaborate to achieve common goals.
  • Employee Engagement - Commit to a diverse, inclusive, safe and supportive work environment.
  • Stewardship - Manage resources wisely and sustainably while striving for operational, financial and administrative excellence.
  • Innovation - Energize and inspire new and creative approaches that increase value to Members and Employees.
  • Accountability - Be responsive and communicate transparently and effectively.

Diversity and Inclusion Statement

AMP values and appreciates the strengths afforded by the different attributes, characteristics and experiences of each employee. AMP is dedicated to creating an inclusive workplace made up of employees who strengthen AMP with their diverse talents and perspectives gained through their age, race, culture, color, disability, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, education, service to our country and unique personality.

AMP will continue to make a good faith effort to recruit and retain a diverse group of employees and will maintain its commitment to being an equal opportunity employer. In so doing, AMP and its employees can maximize their contributions to their community and those of AMP’s Members.

We are proud of AMP’s inclusive culture that supports every employee’s success and encourages an environment where they can feel challenged, appreciated, respected and engaged.


In 1971, American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) was formed when a group of municipally owned electric systems joined forces to gain economies of scale in power supply, amplify their bargaining position and fight for access to areas previously blocked by investor-owned utilities.

Originally called American Municipal Power-Ohio, Inc., AMP’s primary focus in its first 25 years was joint ownership of electric facilities, pooled buying power in energy markets and alternative means of generating, transmitting and distributing electric power and energy to benefit customer-owners. The organization also provided a forum for members to come together on mutual aid, safety training, other programs, and regulatory and policy matters.

Through the years, the organization has developed a variety of programs and services to meet Member needs. In 2009, in recognition of the expanded membership footprint, AMP-Ohio officially became AMP. AMP has grown to serve more than 130 Members across nine states.

In 2021, AMP celebrated its 50th anniversary with a year-long celebration of five decades of joint action that built AMP into the industry-leading organization that it is. A collection of interviews, videos and other historical reference materials are available here.


AMP serves public power communities in Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and a joint action agency in Delaware. As a nonprofit corporation, it is owned and governed by its Members, who in turn are owned and governed by their customers. Collectively, they serve approximately 650,000 customers.

AMP manages and supplies competitively priced, reliable wholesale power to Member municipal electric systems. It purchases wholesale electric power and sells it to members at rates based on the purchase price and dispatch fees plus a small service fee. AMP also negotiates and coordinates power-supply options and interconnection agreements and operates an energy control center 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to serve its member communities.

AMP owns, partially owns and operates a number of generation facilities, providing its Members with a diverse power supply and allowing Members to select the sources that best meet their unique needs. AMP owns and operates a number of fossil fuel and renewable generation — including hydroelectric, solar wind and other forms of renewable energy —  and is developing a number of other generation assets to meet members’ short- and long-term needs.

AMP offers a wide variety of services to help Member communities improve the quality of municipal utility services to their customers. AMP also provides a wide range of additional services on a cooperative, nonprofit basis for the mutual benefit of all Member communities.

Celebrating 50 Years of Joint Action